Daily Archives: January 27, 2014

Soul Ties 16

Welcome to #SoulTies 16. In this session, we examine all over again how your closest associations determine how far you go in life. We also examine how #SoulTies are formed with your closest associations and how that they ultimately infect you with their #SoulTies through a rubbing off process. It is extremely unlikely for you to rise above the level of your most intimate inner circle. You need to watch your inner circle very closely and make sure its composed of people who share similar ideals and goals with you.

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#SoulTies 16 starts shortly.

1. Good evening y’all. Pls email me your testimony on if u have been blessed by #SoulTies tweets.

2. I want to state that we are not here to condemn anyone or stigmatize anyone who has repeatedly fallen into sin due to #SoulTies

3. We are here to expose #SoulTies as the works of the enemy that the blood of Jesus has been shed to purge us from.

4. I also want to say that this isn’t a motivational broadcast but the gospel of Jesus Christ. #SoulTies

5. We are looking at this from the standard of the Word of God and no less. No compromise. #SoulTies

6. The flesh finds the Word and the Spirit of God unbearable but we cannot dilute the message. #SoulTies

7. Please take time off to LIKE our Facebook page using this link #SoulTies

8. Please join our FaceBook group here as well to receive timely updates about our activities. #SoulTies

9. Going forward, we’ll be hosting more interactive #SoulTies hangouts and reducing the frequency of the tweets.

10. So please be sure to hook up with me on Google+ for the hangouts.

11. In these #SoulTies hangouts, there’ll be room for people to ask questions about what we have been learning.

12. I also have a BBM pin dedicated to #SoulTies; 7c5bbd57 so you can hook up on BBM at your earliest convenience.

13. Please visit our new blog page to access audio downloads of the #SoulTies tweets.

14. Today, we start looking at other entry points for #SoulTies apart from sex.

15. Today, we are looking at prolonged verbal contact with people as a an entry point for #SoulTies.

16. Let’s bear in mind that #SoulTies can also be affinities that you acquire through contact with people.

17. Let’s also bear in mind that #SoulTies are also formed between yourself and those who also share your affinities.

18. Eph 2:3a Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, #SoulTies

19. Eph 2:3b fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; #SoulTies

20. Eph 2:3c and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. #SoulTies

21. So we see from Eph 2:3 that your associations have a lot to do with the lusts & #SoulTies u practice.

22. When you associate closely with people, their traits rub off on u and your traits rub off on them. #SoulTies

23. If ur language used to be squeaky clean, after associating with swearing machines, u too will start swearing #SoulTies

24. In this scenario, we have 2 types of #SoulTies to deal with, #SoulTies with people we associate with

25. Secondly, #SoulTies with the habits and traits they brought along into our lives.

26. You are a Christian but your addictive smoking habit is practiced in concert with other smokers. #SoulTies

27. You share lighters with your co-smokers and u also borrow cigarette sticks from yourselves when u run out. #SoulTies

28. Let’s look at this illustration of a magnet and a metal with no magnetic properties. #SoulTies

29. A metal with no magnetic properties cannot pull other metals to itself. #SoulTies

30. However, if you join the magnet to this metal over time, the metal acquires some magnetic properties. #SoulTies

31. There were some very bad habits you never had until you embraced a certain friend or group. #SoulTies

32. The way you know who your children have been with for the last few days is to hear them talk. #SoulTies

33. I know who you have been with over the last 2 weeks when I hear you talk. #SoulTies

34. You take on the heart of the people you have been with and been rubbing off with. #SoulTies

35. Many Christians today don’t sound like they have been with Jesus in a very long time. #SoulTies

36. Our prayers in church are mostly to collect his blessings and not to be exposed to His heart. #SoulTies

37. We come to church with our #SoulTies and our prayers are according to #SoulTies

38. Our prayers are #SoulTies based so we can have a manifestation to boast of, on the streets to everyone. #SoulTies

39. It explains why the pew & the pulpit are still reeking of #SoulTies & questions are now being asked of us by the world out there.

40. Your closest friendships are the ones you share your #SoulTies with. U are no different in thought & deed from ur inner circle.

41. Some Christians have #SoulTies with money and can freely defraud or kill for money.

42. These #SoulTies were cultivated with your closest buddies who also have strong #SoulTies with money.

43. Some Christians have #SoulTies with jewelry and can fornicate to raise money for such.

44. You find that most of these #SoulTies were developed in concert with your inner circle.

45. My question to you today is “Who are the people that comprise your inner circle?” #SoulTies

46. Are they godly people or adulterers or crooks or sex addicts or drug addicts? #SoulTies

47. Only you can the answer that. However, your inner circle dictates your future. #SoulTies

48. You can never rise too far above the inner circle you have #SoulTies with.

49. To do better, you have to change your inner circle to a more progressive one. #SoulTies

50. You can’t be a PhD student and keep #SoulTies with an inner circle of school dropouts who despise education.

51. Pro 13:20 Become wise by walking with d wise; hang out with fools & watch ur life fall to pieces. #SoulTies

52. 1 Cor 15:33 Don?t let urselves be deceived. It is true that ?evil communications corrupt good manners? #SoulTies

53. You need to design your inner circle to mirror the vision and the goals you have for your life. #SoulTies

54. If your life is not headed in the right direction, check up on the inner circle you have #SoulTies with.

55. You can’t be on fire for Jesus hanging out or being soul-tied with people who lack respect for Jesus. #SoulTies

56. We continue in a fortnight still examining #SoulTies contracted through prolonged verbal & social contact.

57. Next week, we have our next #SoulTies Google hangout. Please be sure to link up with me on Google+ before then.

58. The #SoulTies hangout will be same time next week. 5:00pm GMT / 6:00pm Nigerian time.

59. A rerun of this cast will be done tomorrow at 11:00am GMT / 12:00 Nigerian time.

60. Please spread the word about #SoulTies and get your contacts to follow me on @solaadio & @charisgrays

61. If you are just joining us today on #SoulTies, please read through the blog on

62. Please be sure to listen to my clip on ‘Social Engineering’. A must listen for all ladies.

63. Looking forward to seeing you all on the #SoulTies hangout next week. Love you all.

If you have been blessed by this piece and you want to share your prayer requests or testimonies with me, please use this contact form. Your email will come straight to me and will not be published on this site. My BB pin is 7C5BBD57.

Your servant in Christ
Olusola Adio

BB: 7C5BBD57

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Posted by on January 27, 2014 in Bitterness, SoulTies, Unforgiveness


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